Friday 27 April 2012

SATELLOON ( or a balloon satellite)


satelloon is a satellite that is inflated with gas after it has been put into the orbit. Some satelloons which were successfully launched by U.S. are ECHO 1, EXPLORER 9, PAGEOS 1, etc.
  communication satellite, echo 1   
This is a postage stamp issued by U.S. post office
 commemorating project echo 1 on December 15,1960.

PAGEOS 1      


                 West Virginia University has submitted a balloon satellites project which was sponsered by NASA WV space grant consortium which involved design, build, launch, track and recover small electronic payloads, using helium-filled weather balloons to send their payloads into and beyond the stratosphere. Gobal positioning(GPS) tracking is used to track the satellite's travel path and to ultimately find and recover the satellite upon return to earth surface. Altitude is also measured using the GPS.

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